The Cousins Clara and Maresa

Cousins Clara and Maresa (Italy) corresponded with Italo (Brazil) and sent him photos. They also corresponded with Italo's sister, Clara Vighetto Gamero. Recently, by a miracle, an envelope of one of these letters was found and led to the old address of the correspondence, Via Montebello, 33, Pinerolo, Piedmont.First, we looked for the surnames Eirale and Carpignano. As there were none, we randomly chose some to talk to whoever answered. Cristian was the protagonist of this chapter of the story and the outcome of the mystery. When he rang the fourth or fifth intercom, with the surname Furbatto (Giorgio), the answer was: Yes! Clara and Maresa had lived there for 15 years, when they died. It was a magical and unforgettable moment. Finally a clue!The lady was very kind and explained that there were no living relatives left in the family and that it was they who occasionally went to the cemetery. Cristian took the opportunity to ask where this cemetery was so that we could visit it. Luckily for us, it was only ten minutes from where we were. This day was close to November 2, 2023, All Saints' Day. We took the opportunity to place some flowers on the grave.Getting to the grave following the neighbor's directions was not easy, "seconda entrata, vai diritto, è a sinistra," we got lost inside the cemetery which is very big. When I say that reconstructing a family history is fascinating, I'm not exaggerating. Imagine who found the grave and was alone while Christian and I were lost, Henrique Vighetto! The descendant of all those who were buried there.It was a moment when he concentrated, said a prayer and looked to the side, and found it. There, exactly there, in front of that grave, that branch of the family ended. We felt desolate to know that we would not find any living relatives, which was our hope from the beginning. Two new facts were to find the great-great-grandmother, Giovanna Vighetto buried there and the little Graziella who died at the age of 6. The last to be buried were the cousins Fabrizio, and the cousins Maresa and Clareta. 

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